Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A Parkdale Moment....

If you've ever walked along King Street in Parkdale
before 9:00am, then you've probably seen the mobs
of children on their way to school. Well this morning
I saw a Dad walking his two sons, who were probably
about eight or ten years old, on their way to school.

The Dad and his kids were singing 'I like to move it, move it'
and the kids were just laughing and screaming and singing.
I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, partially because
that song is a very guilty pleasure of mine, but mostly
just because it was such a perfect family moment.

The dad saw me smiling and laughing along with them
so he got the kids to wave and I gave him a big thumbs-up.
If I ever have kids, I hope they like to 'move it, move it' too!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So cute. I agree.
Love catching those random true moments.

11:31 a.m.  

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