Thursday, April 27, 2006

a difference of opinion

I recently had a letter printed in Now Magazine about how I felt about the couches left behind at the 'Parkdale Globe Sit-In'. Here's that letter,

Parkdale problems
Re Parking it in Parkdale (NOW, April 6-12). I applaud the people behind the sit-in in Parkdale for wanting to make a difference, but couches were left behind on the street. Not only is that littering, but guess what? The very next day those couches were being used by the homeless and drug dealers, just like the Parkdale BIA said would happen. Did anyone really think that leaving old couches on the sidewalk was a good thing? Some people see Parkdale's inevitable gentrification as the major problem, but they clearly overlook the substance abuse, prostitution and crime that are still happening every single day.

He're someone who seemed to take offence at my letter,

Couch Potato
as someone who's lived, worked and hung out in Parkdale for the past 10 years, I was appalled by Mike Langevin's letter (NOW, April 13-19) griping that the couches left behind from the Parkdale Globe sit-in were taken over the next day "by the homeless and drug dealers." First of all, all the couches were hauled off within a couple of days, but when they were still there I saw moms with kids and ordinary Parkdale folks using them. I don't think any dealer would be stupid enough to do business in such an exposed area.

Maybe the folks he saw were ordinary people without cash who live in P-dale?And maybe that's the point. Space for regular people to hang out in Parkdale is shrinking all the time.


"Seriously appalled" ??? I'm just going to have to write back to Now and see what happens. *names have been edited out, but their's is the longest name I've ever heard.


Blogger Unknown said...

Your name was used in the paper like that? Did you give them your full name initially?? Crazy...

I think I'm on your side in this one... anyways- what kind of mom lets her kids play on stanky couches that have been sitting outside for more than... a day! Meh... Parkdale.

12:25 a.m.  
Blogger Hwan said...

i looked her up (google gives me mad poirot skillz) and found her homepage and some of her poetry. All three (her letter, hp and writings) made me grimace. you should try it too!

5:08 p.m.  
Blogger MyParkdale said...

yep, I've seen them too, which is why I kind of just dropped it. She seems like someone I would not want to have as an enemy (just because I can't stand arguing with the self-righteous )

I had to stop reading after I saw "reaching out to the youth with queer-positive hiphop..."

6:02 p.m.  

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